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Meteos influenced his LCS teammates to call Trundle's pillar "Dildo"
Meteos greatest quote
Meteos the therapist
Cody Sun was too terrified to leave the house to go buy a toothbrush.
PILLAR OF ICE (LCS 2023 CoStreams | Spring Split | W7D2)
Tyler1 confronts Meteos about his chat logs.
Bjergsen and Meteos' experiences with "Thirsty" Coaches (Charlie Lipsie & Locodoco)
The WORST casting you'll probably ever hear... (LeTigress' Sion impression)
LCS Caster decides to draw on-screen during an important teamfight.
100 Thieves' Headcoach pr0lly flamed Meteos and rage-canceled scrims in 2018
Meteos on how 100 Thieves F**KED him TWICE
Meteos recalls his income as a Pro LoL Player in 2013...